In the coming two years I will be working with Christian Olesen and the EYE museum on a project on AI, Sustainability, and Film Archives funded by NWO under the NWA art route.
NWO Grant NWA Art Route
Paper on comics at BMVC 2024
Our paper, together with Sam Titarsolej (MSc AI student!) and Neil Cohn, on learning representations of comic panels “Drawing Insights: Sequential Representation Learning in Comics” was presented at BMVC 2024!
Co-Organising VISART
I’m co-organising VISART VII at ECCV 2024 - considering joining us in Milan if you’re interested in Computer Vision for Art!
Paper at FAccT 2024
Tim Alphert’s presented our paper “Perceptive Visual Urban Analytics is Not (Yet) Suitable for Municipalities” at FAccT 2024!
Paper at ICCV 2023
My paper Prototype-based Dataset Comparison was accepted at ICCV 2023, read more about it on the project page:
Interview on Generative AI for Art
I was interviewed for Folia about Generative AI for Art read the (Dutch) article here:
Cultural Analytics Lab
We’ve started a new lab at the UvA that brings together AI and Culture, keep an eye on for updates and news!
Hiring a PhD student
For the AI4FILM project we’re looking to hire a PhD student interested in doing cutting-edge artificial intelligence research for applications to culture and films. The closing date for this vacancy is June 7th 2022.
CVPR paper on hyperbolic image segmentation
Our paper on hyperbolic image segmentation has been accepted at CVPR 2022!
Paper on iconic images
Hiring! A PhD student and two Postdocs!
I’m looking for a PhD student and two Postdocs, if you’re interested in Computer Vision, Multimedia, and AI, or the role that these play in the analysis of culture and media in general please take a look and see if they’re a good fit for you!
New job!
I’m happy to announce that today is my first day as Assistant Professor in the Multimedia Analytics lab of the University of Amsterdam!
Cultural Multimedia Analysis
My research is in the area of Cultural Multimedia Analysis (CMA), which brings together ideas from Multimedia Analytics and Cultural Analytics. The figure below shows how these two fields have shared characteristics (enclosed by both rectangles) and characteristics which are unique to either field. By combining the cultural focus and incorporation of Media Theory from Cultural Analytics, and the emphasis on developing new methods of Multimedia, I believe it is possible to develop methods for analysing (Visual) Culture that do justice to the richness and complexity of the material.
CMA aims to acknowledge culture not only as a source of data and theory, but also for the diversity of perspectives that persons might have and the differences in meaning this can result in. However, instead of focusing on performing cultural analysis itself, the aim of CMA is to develop new methods that make it possible to perform cultural analysis at scale.